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reflection mode中文是什么意思

用"reflection mode"造句"reflection mode"怎么读"reflection mode" in a sentence


  • 反射模式


  • Following the theoretical analysis , we have made a few csi / mcp reflection mode cathodes of different structures . test their characters through imitation methode
    并根据理论分析的结果制作了多种不同结构的csi / mcp反射式阴极,通过模拟方法,对其性能进行了测试分析。
  • The author holds that the conservatism principle is a kind of accounting reflection modes that is formed from the uncertainty in accounting , that conservatism principle adopting the reflection mode agglutinated with rational and unrational reflection mode to uncertainty in accounting is the essential reason for it ' s inherent logic inconsistency , that accounting system adopting different disposal procedure and reflection mode to uncertain economic businesses is the material exhibition of the principle ' s inherent logic inconsistency
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